I have seen 90% of time people in FlyFF just adding stats because they are told how it would be best for them, without them even realizing what they are doing.. Or even why is Dexterity (DEX) important for damage, ‘liek omg, why do we need dex when we can put all to Strenght (STR)’ - Unless you can afford +8 gear or higher, you can’t be more wrong than that. Higher Dex can have lot higher effect on total damage you deal than not having it at all.
This guide is mainly meant for: Yoyo Jesters, Blades, 1vs1 Knights, Billposters and Ringsmasters.
But I do hope others get something out of it too. (This guide in a way explains why Bow Jesters usually are seen as ’super’ fast levelers for first.. High Crit and high Hit ratio can do miracles.)
NOTICE: Having atleast decent hit ratio is MOST important thing on dealing damage, since it effects your total damage most. Miss = 0 damage and it is always 0 damage, no matter how godly Str you have. And it always slows your killing speed if you miss lot.. In most cases your total damage dealed can be even cutted to half.
So here I start the main part of guide, the attribute on dealing damage with melee. In order of importance:
1. Hit Ratio
Remember - Hit ratio effects most out of all attributes on your AVERAGE damage.
Hit ratio is placed first in here, because it effects your average damage most in long run. And that’s why it effects everything below it.
Maximum hit ratio you can have in FlyFF is 96%
(There’s is always 4% chance to miss, no matter how high Dex or +hit% gear you get.)
1% Hit ratio = about 1% More damage you deal per average hit.
(Why? Since everytime you miss, it’s 0 damage - means you lose one damaging hit)
Assist skill Accuracy increases LOT more your total damage than Beef Up or Cannon Ball. At extremely high levels Cannon Ball might have slightly more effect due it’s crit bonus and aspd (Attack Speed) bonus but not at lower levels. So for god sake, low level assists: Start taking Accuracy buff already at lower levels - It helps your partners lot more then than Beef Up or Cannon Ball even if your partners don’t realize it.
Upgrading gear with Sunstones gives Hit Ratio:
+3 = 5% Hit
+5 = 10% Hit
+7 = 20% Hit
+8 = 30% Hit
+10 = 45% Hit
But even +10 gear alone isn’t enought to get maxed hit ratio.
(Upgrading gear after +3, can break (disappear) if it fails, so it requires Spros to avoid this)
And most important of all, here’s online calculator for your Hit Ratio.. There isn’t any number to see your Hit Ratio inside game (you only see it as misses), so this helps alot:
Lv = Your character level (This effects hit ratio too)
Dex = Your dex, you can try unbuffed and with maxed cannon (+20)
AdjHit = Hit ratio bonuses, like from weapons, sets etc (Accuracy is +20)
eLv = Enemy level you are fighting max is about 7-10 level higher
eHit = Hit ratio based on monster
eFlee = Evasion on monster to make you miss, based on monster
(eHit and eFlee can be found in online databases like: http://vptr.hp.infoseek.co.jp/)
Hit Rate = Your counted hit rate, between 20% - 96%
Flee Rate = Your counted block rate (increased by dex), between 4% - 80%
(Just like the calculator says, minimum Hit Ratio is 20% - you can’t go below it)
Higher level increases your base Hit Ratio.
(Dexterity scales by level, just like Stamina)
2. Attack Speed
Remember - Attack Speed effects most out of all attributes on your TOTAL damage
Every 1% you hit faster, means you deal 1% more total damage. What do I mean? Let me explain..
Basic idea of attack speed in FlyFF:
Your attack speed is something between 0% and 100%. Which means there isn’t really a own speed factor for different weapons, so it means every profession based weapon have their own base speed (fast, very fast, slow etc..) which can be ‘normalized’ at 100%. That’s how it works, hope that explains why getting maxed aspd is important.
For Assists: Haste is extremely good skill to max, since it effects your own and your partners total damage more than any other buff, Accuracy comes second.
Attack speed is affected most by ’speed breaks’ that are certain numbers of Dex so when you pass those your aspd leaks more than from just adding 1 dex. I’ll find links for these later, they have all written on the forums anyways - check your own class forums for those.
However, aspd is very easy to get maxed at higher levels.. And in many cases goes even over 100% (which is max). Mainly thanks to Assist/Ringmaster skills GT (Geburah Tiphreth) and haste.. They both increase your aspd with 25% so total 50% more. It’s possible for even vagrant to max aspd with full RM buffs and by adding bit over 18 dex (level 10). But before level 90, it’s very unlikely you will get permanently RM to buff you with GT. So getting higher base Attack Speed might be a good idea ^^
Anyways, not much more to tell about attack speed but..
Here’s a calculator to check aspd:
It will give you a number between 0 and 2. You will get your attack speed by divining it by 2. This aspd is based on your dex, so if you have set bonuses, or item bonuses to increase aspd, you add them to the speed you get here. Basically in FlyFF there isn’t percent calculating 70% + 20% = 90% xD
Higher level doesn’t effect your Attack Speed.
3. Attack Damage / Crit Ratio
Remember - Attack Damage/Crit effects most out of all attributes on your MAX damage
These 2 go in same ‘category’ since they both increase each others. But basically if you don’t hit high enought, the Crit won’t help anymore.. So it’s good to have balance in everything. Only class that can max Crit easily in FlyFF is Jesters, since they get 4x more crit per every 10 dex than others.
Crit breaks on Jesters: 4% crit per every 10 dex
Crit breaks on everyone else: 1% per every 10 dex
(simple, huh?)
Anyways, once you have optimalized good Hit Ratio, and attack speed.. That’s when Attack Damage comes in, since now your attacks won’t have the penalty of ‘miss’ which is always 0 damage, no matter how much you have str. But when you don’t miss, you can just upgrade your damage. Since now it effects more on your total damage that you deal.
Not much to tell about Attack damage / Crit,
but here’s a Calculator for it too :
Lv = Your level
Str = Your Str,
Vit = Your Sta
Dex = Your Dex
Int = Your Int
Weapon = Well duh xP
Min = The smaller number of your ‘clear’ weapon on [ XX ~ xx ]
Max= The bigger number of you ‘clear’ weapon on [ xx ~ XX ]
Refine = How much ‘+’ your weapon has
AdjAtk = Attack modifiers
This calculator is good when you try to compare between 2 weapons and want to see the difference between them. (It counts for example difference between Swords and Axes compared to Str)
Higher level increases your attack power, but doesn’t effect Crit Ratio.
Reason for this order is simple:
1. Hit Ratio - It effects on everything below it. (Miss = 0 damage)
2. Attack Speed - Increases your total damage most.
3. Attack Power/Crit - Increases damage you deal per one hit.
Most of the sets and weapons also increase your attributes:
Sets to increase your Attributes
Unique weapons to increase your Attributes
Rare weapons to increase your Attributes
(less base damage than Uniques)
That’s all folks, hope you enjoyed!
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