Sunday, December 28, 2008

Flyff Collecting in Flyff V11

Collecting. A newly developed process for Flyff version 11 which was designed to give everyone out there a chance at some fairly decent items regardless of how rich or high level you are. Though very time consuming, collecting CAN pay off and this guide will help you to see how that’s possible.

The Basics

Ok so first of all, there are 3 things that you are going to need to begin collecting. Those things are:

  1. A collector

  2. A battery

  3. A chosen collecting zone

Once you have these, you’re ready to collect. Using your collector to consume batteries, you get PIECES of … STUFF over time! That’s right, all you have to do is stand there looking pretty and you get free stuff! What kinda stuff? Look further into the FAQ to find out!


So then, obviously the first thing you need is a collector. How do you get one? There are 2 simple ways: Either you buy one from the Collecting Manager Collins (he is at all the collecting zones which will be explained later) OR buy one from someone else in a private shop. Either way, you’re going to have to buy one =s … Collectors bought from Collins cost 1,000,000 penya while collectors purchased in private shops go for whatever price the vendor feels like putting. Once you’ve gotten a hold of a collector, you’ll have to decide whether or not to Upgrade it!

Upgrading Collectors

Collectors can be upgraded! Isn’t that neat!? They can go from your basic collector (Level 0) to a fully upgraded Collector +5! Here’s how you upgrade your collector and how you can benefit from doing that: To upgrade your collector, simply acquire a Moonstone, double click the moonstone and then select the Collector that you wish to upgrade. Pretty simple if you ask me. Keep in mind, upgrading a collector with a moonstone does NOT always succeed.

** Note: Unlike weapons, armor, and jewellery, Collectors have NO chance of ever breaking when you try to upgrade them, so you are at no risk. The only thing that is lost should your upgrade attempt fail, is the moonstone.

Keep in mind, upgrading a collector gets harder as it gets to be higher level. This being the case, getting a collector from +4 to +5 can be difficult and might end up costing a lot of moonstones … how many? A lot. That being said, lets look at the benefits of having an upgraded collector.

Collector Levels

As mentioned, collectors range from level 0 to level 5. The only benefit to an upgraded collector is that it lowers the amount of time it takes to collect each Piece. Since less time per Piece = more pieces, I would think an upgraded collector should be worth it.

Collector +0 –> 105 Seconds per Piece

Collector +1 –> 90 Seconds per Piece

Collector +2 –> 75 Seconds per Piece

Collector +3 –> 60 Seconds per Piece

Collector +4 –> 45 Seconds per Piece

Collector +5 –> 30 Seconds per Piece

So as you can see, a Collector +5 will get more than triple the number of pieces that a regular Collector +0 would get. I definitely advise that if you are looking to collect, (especially long-term) to try and get a Collector +5.


Ok, so you’ve got your Collector. You’ve upgraded it (or not), now you need some batteries. There are 3 types of batteries that you can get: Battery: 70,000 Penya –> Can be purchased from Collins.

– Lasts exactly 30 Minutes (or 1800 seconds). Using a collector +5, that nets 59 Pieces per battery (You don’t actually get the 60th so the last 30 seconds don’t count for much).

– Regular batteries must be used every 30 minutes to be able to continue collecting.

Silver Battery: 400 G-Potatoes Cash shop item –> Can only be purchased from the Flyff premium item shop OR from another player in-game who has bought one.

– Lasts exactly 10 days from time of activation. This time expires regardless of whether or not the User is actually collecting or even online at all.

– It is not necessary to use any item / take any action to continue collecting. The User can collect so long as they are online.

– Can net the User approximately 25,000 to 30,000 pieces depending on downtime and/or maintenance (collecting 24 hours a day for the full 10 days).

Gold Battery: 700 G-Potatoes Cash shop item –> Can only be purchased from the Flyff premium item shop OR from another player in-game who has bought one.

– Lasts exactly 20 days from time of activation. This time expires regardless of whether or not the User is actually collecting or even online at all.

– It is not necessary to use any item / take any action to continue collecting. The User can collect so long as they are online.

– Can net the User approximately 50,000 to 60,000 pieces depending on downtime and/or maintenance (Collecting 24 hours a day for the full 20 days).

So, basically, if you are looking to do some long-term collecting, it is ideal to use a Silver or Gold battery since there is no need to come back to your computer all the time to keep using batteries. On the other hand, if you’re just looking to do some casual collecting on the side, there’s no real need to pay for the premium items.

Collecting Zones

Now you’ve gotten your collector, upgraded it (maybe), chosen your battery, and you’re ready to actually start collecting. There’s just one last, tiny, little, question that you might still have …. “Where do I go!?” Easy, just choose 1 of the following locations. Which one? doesn’t matter. They all offer the same items at the same odds.

Flaris: West of Central Flaris –> Green Collecting Area

Saint Morning: North East of the Town Square –> Blue Collecting Area

Darkon: North of Darkon 2 –> Purple Collecting Area

All 3 areas are pretty close to the towns and shouldn’t be too difficult to find. Once there, equip your character with your collector (no you can’t attack anything with it equipped >.< ) and then double click whatever battery you want to use. That will charge your collector. After, click START and you’re good to go. That’s it! Walk away and … watch TV or .. pray or … whatever you want. Remember to come back every half hour to recharge your collector if you’re using normal batteries.

Pieces of Loot

There are a number of different items you can get while collecting. Most of them are “pieces” of an item. Alone, a piece does nothing. The idea is to collect 10 of any type of piece and bring them back to Collins. He will take your 10 pieces and turn them into a complete item.

What types of items can you get? Here’s the list. Also, since there are no official values for the odds of obtaining each type of item, I have performed a 9 day, extensive test, and have collected 24,000 consecutive pieces in order to find out what items can be obtained, and at what rates. ***NOTE: Pills and Toothed Wheels are complete items when you find them. They do not need to be brought to Collins. Also, toothed wheels are entirely USELESS and serve no purpose other than to be sold to an NPC for a very small amount of Penya.

***NOTE: There are occasionally Flyff Events that alter the odds of obtaining certain items when collecting, in addition to adding new obtainable items for the event.

Collecting Odds

Below is a list of what the estimated odds of obtaining each item piece is while collecting. The order is from most common to least.

**WARNING** These are NOT official values released by GALA and I DO NOT guarantee their accuracy.

Small Toothed Wheel 16.66% 1 out of 6

Breeze Card Piece 11.00% 1 out of 9

Rain Card Piece 11.00% 1 out of 9

Toothed Wheel 9.33% 1 out of 10.5

Sand Card Piece 9.00% 1 out of 11

Candle Card Piece 9.00% 1 out of 11

Spark Card Piece 9.00% 1 out of 11

Storm Card Piece 5.50% 1 out of 18

Flood Card Piece 5.50% 1 out of 18

Grey Pill 2.95% 1 out of 34

Vacuum Card Piece 2.80% 1 out of 35

Ocean Card Piece 2.80% 1 out of 35

Yellow Pill 1.33% 1 out of 75

Topaz Piece 1.00% 1 out of 100

Blue Pill 0.725% 1 out of 138

Sunstone Piece: 0.5% 1 out of 200

Moonstone Piece: 0.5% 1 out of 200

Red Pill 0.33% 1 out of 300

Ruby Piece 0.33% 1 out of 300

Gold Pill 0.20% 1 out of 500

Sapphire Piece 0.20% 1 out of 500

Cloud Piece 0.100% 1 out of 1,000

Mountain Card Piece 0.055% 1 out of 1,800

Magma Card Piece 0.041% 1 out of 2,500

Emerald Piece 0.033% 1 out of 3,000

Thunder Card Piece 0.033% 1 out of 3,000

Diamond Piece 0.025% 1 out of 4,000

Earthquake Card Piece 0.0166% 1 out of 6,000

Volcano Cardo Piece 0.0166% 1 out of 6,000

Lightning Card Piece 0.004% 1 out of 25,000


Question: I need moonstones to upgrade my Collector … how do I get them?

Answer: Get them as drops from enemies or buy them from someone’s private


Question: I still want to know how many moonstones it takes to get a +5


Answer: Like I said LOTS but the average number that has been going around

the forums is between 20 and 30 moonstones.

Question: I’m at the Collecting Site and I can’t find Collins … where is


Answer: Look harder o.0 He’s there. Do a complete tour of the fence if you


Question: I’ve been collecting for XXX Days now! Why haven’t I gotten a

Lightning Card Piece yet?

Answer: Unfortunately, you are unlucky. Better luck next time.

Question: But, you said that after 25,000 pieces I should get one!

Answer: No I didn’t. Those are the results of 1 test and your own experiences

may not reflect the values shown in this FAQ. Keep in mind,

collecting is COMPLETELY based on luck so pretty much anything could


Question: I opened my Cloud Box but didn’t get a Riding Cloud. Why?

Answer: Cloud Boxes contain RANDOM items and only have a slim chance of

containing a Riding Cloud. Better luck next time.

Question: If I buy 10 Batteries and use the first one myself, will the other

9 get used automatically?

Answer: No. Even though the batteries are stacked, you have to use one every

30 minutes. So far, there is no way around this.

Question: If I use a Silver/Gold Battery but then can’t play Flyff for a

while, will my battery get used up anyway?

Answer: Unfortunately yes. The Silver/Gold Batteries run on real time and not

on the amount of time that you are logged in or collecting.

Question: Can I use my collector as a weapon?

Answer: No.

Question: Can I equip my collector on my assist while I buff/heal someone?

Answer: Don’t know … and I’m too lazy to actually test this. Does it really


Question: Can I “awaken” my collector?

Answer: Yes. Do it.

Question: What does “awakening” my collector do?

Answer: Nothing since you can’t fight with it equipped. Do it anyway.

Question: I’m poor and I can’t afford a collector. Can you send me one by

mail plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz?

Answer: No.

Question: Is collecting ACTUALLY worth doing?

Answer: Please see the next section of this FAQ.

Profit or Not?

There is just one last question that needs answering and it’s the one that most people want answered: Is Collecting really worth doing or not? Well, there are a couple things to consider first:

*** Will you be using a collector +5?

*** Will you be using regular batteries or a Silver/Gold battery?

*** Are you willing to leave your computer on 24/7?

First of all, I can immediately tell you this. If you are going to bother spending time collecting, you may as well get a Collector +5. Otherwise, I can pretty much guarantee that the rewards will not outweigh the immense amount of time spent collecting. Basically, GET A +5 COLLECTOR! Second, If you are going to get a Silver/Gold Battery, you pretty much have to be willing to leave your computer collecting for the entire 10 or 20 days. Otherwise, it may not be worth using them. If you are planning on using normal batteries, this is obviously not neccessary.

Now then, lets first take a look at IF you were to choose not to get a Premium Shop battery and were to just use regular batteries instead

** So, How many regular Batteries would it take to collect 520 pieces?

520 pieces / 59 pieces per battery = 9 Batteries.

9 Batteries X 70,000 Penya each = 630,000 Penya.

** The end result is: On average, and according to the test results, you

would only pay out 630,000 Penya in order to obtain an item worth at LEAST

1,000,000 Penya. RESULT = PROFIT.

Ok, now lets look at if you WERE to choose to buy a Silver or Gold Battery. I’ll use the Silver Battery for the comparison since the Gold Battery would only offer even better results (since it costs only 350 Gpots / 10 days). ** NOTE: SINCE EVERY SERVER HAS IT’S OWN RATE OF INFLATION AND ECONOMY, I shall use AIBATT as the server upon which to make this comparison (Because it has the most inflated item prices).

** Also: Since, upon completing your collecting run, you can sell off your Collector +5, I’m not going to include it in the profit margin of this analysis.

1 X Silver Battery = 400 G-Potatoes = currently a MAXIMUM of 44,000,000 Penya.

** Let’s assume that you are UNLUCKY and don’t get a Lightning Card Piece, but that the rest of the items you receive during your 10 days of collecting reflect the values shown above. That would mean that you should have gotten:

Note: The prices of each item below are according to the current market trend dated June of 2008. Also, I’ve chosen the LOW end of the market meaning that these are the prices that would make them sell FAST.

- 20 Cloud Pieces = 2 X Cloud Box = 2 X 18,000,000 = 36,000,000

- 120 Sunstone Pieces = 12 X Sunstone = 12 X 1,400,000 = 16,800,000

- 120 Moonstone Pieces = 12 X Moonstone = 12 X 300,000 = 3,600,000

- 4 Earthquake Pieces = 4 X 1,100,000 = 4,400,000

- 4 Volcano Pieces = 4 X 5,500,000 = 22,000,000

- 8 Emerald Pieces = 8 X 700,000 = 5,600,000

- 5 Diamond Pieces = 5 X 3,000,000 = 15,000,000

TOTAL COST = 44,000,000 PENYA


PROFIT = 59,400,000 PENYA

PROFIT MARGIN: 235% Return on investment

Flyff Leveling Guide for Assists

You know, sometimes leveling on Fly for Fun can be a real pain, especially if you are an assist. Once I got to level 30 I thought, “wow this is tough… I’m never going to be a Ringmaster… this is just pointless…” BUT THEN!!! I was introduced to the wonderful system of fsing (fsing means full support). You hardly have to do anything at all. It’s so awesome. All that happens is buff, heal and get levels. The most levels I’ve gotten in a day were 10. It was so crazy.

I’ll show you how it works. First, you buff them.


Then, heal them.


And they fight. It’s as simple as that. However, when you are fsing I suggest that you only fs people that are about 17-19 levels higher for the maximum amount of experience. Also I suggest that you do this at level 35-40. By then, people will be looking for people to fs them. And one last thing, BE IN A CONTRIBUTION PARTY! I don’t really know why that was in caps because it’s not extremely important, all that happens is you get some bonus experience. A few words of advice though, keep in mind sometimes you might have to spam the heal button so they don’t die… if they die, you die >_< another thing, tell them when you are going to buff them so that while you are buffing them, they don’t die. I can’t tell you how many times that happened to me. So anyways, I hope this guide was helpful and for people that are other classes, ill be making other guides soon.

Flyff Red Bang Quest Guide

For this quest, you need to be level 30… that’s about it. You should have a few town blinkwings before starting too to make the quest quicker.

First Part

Talk to Luda, the person in Flaris who sells vagrant gear. He will ask you to hunt red bangs until you get 1 Head of Red Bang.

Red bangs can be found in the north part of Flaris, near the Bangs and the entrance to the Mars Mine. They are on a hill and level 30. They do hit quite hard for their level so try to keep your health above three times their normal hit. (If they hit 130s normally keep your health above 500) Bring decent healing food like bread and pizzas.

Kill Red Bang troupe members… this should take no more than 4. When finished go back to town and talk to Luda again by flying or by using a town blinkwing.

Second Part

Talk to Luda and you will need to get 1 Cash Box of Luda. So go back to the Red Bangs and kill them until you get one. This should take no more than 5 kills.

Once you get the cash box, talk to Luda again.

Third Part

Talk to Luda again and this time get one Entanale sword. These drop from Red Bang troupe members. This should only take a few kills.

Once you get the sword, talk to Luda again. The Entanale sword you get is actually a pretty good sword for level 30+ mercenaries.

Fourth (Last) Part

Talk to Luda and this time he wants you to get 7 Symbols of Red Bang Troupe (drop from all types of Red Bang) and kill 1 Troupe Leader of Red Bang. The leader is level 35 and can crit quite hard but has low hp so it should be easy to kill. This part should take maybe no more than 30 Red Bang Troupes to complete.

After getting 7 symbols of Red Bang talk to Luda to get your reward. You get 358k cash and at level 30 enough exp to nearly level and the Entanale sword, pretty good for 30 minutes yes?

Flyff Acrobat Build and Leveling Guide

So you want to be an Acrobat…

I have had a few requests to make a guide dealing specifically with the Acrobat classes.

Let me first start off by saying that in order to be a successful Acrobat you will want to know what second job change you want to become. The problem is that Acrobats have three not two job changes. The changes are:

Jester – Uses yoyo to fight monsters and players. Purely for 1vs1 not for Area of Effect. This class is pretty slow at leveling, and it never truly beats bow users until level 90 through 105. On the other hand this class hands down is the better for PvP, and because it’s not the most popular choice on most servers the armor and weapons are cheaper than for bow users.

The Jester bonus is a 4 percent critical rate for every 10 points on dexterity.


  • Good critical rate.
  • Amazing at PvP.
  • Affordable.
  • Good for Giant Hunting.


  • Very slow at leveling.
  • Don’t get good until level 90.
  • The self buffs can only be used 1 at a time.
  • You may need to buy highly increased (+8) or more armor to beat out bow users.

Bow Jester (BJ): Let me first start out saying that this is not a real class; it’s the Jester class with a special build. BJ’s are Jesters except that they use a bow as the name suggests. The only build for a BJ is Pure dexterity, anything you here from others is a lie and untrue (I have a BJ and I know how they are built).

BJ’s use the Jesters critical hit rate to an advantage (at level 60 you should have 135 dexterity (if I did my math right) that should amount to a 52 percent critical rate). Keep in mind that BJ’s require a Full Support (FS) assist to properly level. Also keep in mind that at level 90 BJ’s are less powerful than there Yoyo Jester counterparts, and most people have to restart to a Yoyo Jester.


  • Amazing critical rate.
  • Pretty good at PvP.
  • You level from 60 -70 fast.
  • Good at giant hunting.


  • Everyone will hate you because many people think that BJ’s cheat!
  • Expensive (Gbow, high plus on level 45 armor, good equipments, probably a pet because you don’t want to waste time picking up your drops, and a Restate if you plan on getting past level 90).
  • You need a full support.
  • You will die a lot.
  • Alike Mercenary, it gets boring.

Ranger – Uses bow like they were meant to be used. The Ranger is the best Area of Effect (AoE) class that was created. Rangers get elemental based Area of Effect (Fire, Ice etc.). You also have the ability to get to 80 really fast.


  • You are most respected class because you aren’t a BJ.
  • You get some pretty nice Area of Effects.
  • Depending on you build (30-70 stamina) you won’t die a lot.
  • Pretty cheap because armor isn’t that much and the only expensive thing is a Gbow.


  • You won’t be able to level past 80 as fast as you were leveling before.
  • You are not as good as Jesters in PvP.
  • You need a FS to level effectively.

Picking Your Build

Picking you build should be the main thing you consider when you are a new acrobat. The only stat you won’t use is Intelligence. For a Jester you will have strength stamina and dexterity (a common build for a “Cookie-Cutter”(Yoyo Build) is 30-40 stamina 63 dexterity and the rest in Strength.) For a Ranger the general build is 30-70 stamina and the rest in Dexterity.

Now that you know what you want to be, and you know how your build should be, you are now ready to become a good acrobat. This guide will tell you the most common and fastest way to level 60.

Level 1 – 15:

Searching for other articles I’ve written. for getting past your vagrant levels.

Level 15-30

Congratulations, you are now an acrobat. To level to 30 you are going to need one skill no matter which class you are going to be, and that’s a skill called Junk Arrow (which means you need to buy a bow). If you have money to buy a mental necklace then max Junk Arrow, and if not then get it to about level 10.

You will be “Spamming” (using over and over again) Junk Arrow. This will require you to buy a lot of refreshers, but the leveling will be fast. I suggest when you get to 15 to go to Saint Morning by blink-wing. Then you should head to the bangs that are located by the duel arena. But before you go fighting run into the arena on server 1 and ask someone to buff you.

Now go fight bangs until level 19, and then move to Wagsaacs, and then Mias. You should be spamming Junk Arrow like crazy, and you should be going through refreshers like crazy as well. Once you get to 23 Head over to Pumpkins, and then Mantis, And then Giggle Boxes the road to level 30 is boring but it’s worth it.

Level 30-45

You are now level 30 MAX JUNK ARROW (if you are using a bow), those that are going to use Yoyos should continue to stat themselves appropriately and Max Yoyo mastery and Crossline. Yoyos should spam Crossline from now on. Bow users should spam maxed junk arrow.

Note: Do not max Bow Mastery, it isn’t anything compared to Yoyo mastery.

You should also get basic points in slow step and fast walker and Dark Illusion for the skill Perfect Block.

To level to 45 you will need to start by killing hobos until level 34 then move to Totemias, and then move on to Cardpuppets. You should now be about 40 and therefore you should now move to Rhisis Island (outside of Saint Morning). Kill Tombstone bearers until 42 and then skip to Basques until 44 - 45.

After that go to Pranksters until level 45. Now that you are level 45 you get a pretty amazing skill Perfect Block Max It. Maxed Perfect Block gives you +20% block rate which can really help you.

Also now that you are 45 you should be able to buy full Hyper/Cruiser and a Flaming Bow (Or the level 45 yoyo). These will really help you level to 60.

Level 45 - 60

Continue to train on pranksters untill level 48+, and then move to Leyenyas in Darkon 1, and 2. You should now continue to either spam Cross-Line or Junk Arrow. Just keep moving from one monster to the next making sure that the monster you are fighting is at least 2-5 levels higher than yourself. When you get to level 55 start killing Steel Knights untill 58. Then skip volts, and move to Elder Guards. Once you get to about level 55 don‘t kill Crane Machinery they are hard and you will die a lot. Instead, go to darken 3 and kill Grrs or Dumps.

Congratulations you are now 60. Go do that job change quest and show that guardian who’s boss!

Good Luck with your acrobat!

Flyff Guild Siege Guide

There are two types of guild wars in the game. The first type is the one where Flyff uses a bidding system for the top 8 bidders to have a chance at a battle royale. Each guild places a bid to be in the top 8. Whomever is in the top 8 will be able to fight everyone that has qualified. This type of Guild War only happens once every Saturday at 5:00PM US PST.

The winner of this Guild War will get a special cloak which increase your stat points. The more consecutive times you win the Guild War the higher the power of the cloak will give the user.

First you’ll need to meet the GW manager Frankie at North Flarine. Click on him and choose apply.

You should see a new window come up that says “To Apply For The Guild War”.

  • The Total Of Applicants - This signifies how much penya has been donated by every guild that wants to participate.
  • The Current Applicant - This signifies how much you are bidding. Enter any amount of your choice.
  • The Information - This has info on the capes.
  • Apply - This will submit your bid.

Before placing a bid amount, check the status window to see the numbers of guild and how much penya has already been totaled up. This will give you a clue to how much you should bid. Don’t over bid, because remember all you need to be is in the top 8. So as long as you in the top 8 and you meet the guild war requirments then you should be approved for the event. Make sure to come back 5 minutes before the event bidding deadline, so you can check if you’re guild has been moved out of the top 8. Click the refresh button to see if any guilds have moved positions. Before the Guild War you have the bidding war.

  • The Time Left - Time left before bidding ends.
  • The Total Of Applicants - This signifies how much penya has been donated by every guild that wants to participate.
  • The Rank Of Tender - Your ranking number.
  • Apply - Make another bid to add to your current bid.
  • Refresh - This will refresh the list with new up-to-date info.

Your Guild Line-Up

Once you qualify for the guild lineup and are in the top 8 position after the bidding process is over. You can create your guild war lineup. Each guild is allowed 15 participants. You are allow to go under 15, but never over 15. All your guild members must be in Server 1 for them to appear on the lineup after you press “Finish” First Click on the NPC and then click on “Entry” You have exactly 1 hour to create your line-up before the guild war starts. You should see this screen.

  1. Members that are currently online and qualified for the Guild War.
  2. Members that are participating in the Guild War.
  3. Press this button once you are finish creating your line-up.
  4. Reset your line-up.
  5. Choose the defender. Required unless only guild lead is participating. Click on the username then click on defender. Anyone that kills your defender gets more points for their guild. Choose a good defender that can live longer. Once you have selected your defender a shield with the letter “D” will appear next to the name on the guild line-up.
  6. Closes the window.
  7. Use arrow keys to move players from one side to the other.
  8. Use arrows to move players up or down the line-up.

Upon finishing your lineup, you should see your participating guild members in a list in the upper left corner of the screen. If one of your members is not in the lineup even though you put them in there during the “entry” stage, then it means that they just disconnected from the game or they are in another server. Please tell them to come to server .

  1. Your guild name
  2. The order in which your members will enter the arena
  3. Your guild members. The blue color signifies that, that is you.
  4. Your defender
  5. The number of lives your guild members have
  6. The health bar

Are You Ready?

Once you are ready and the time is 6:00PM US PST, it means you can right click the npc and choose join. Or a popup will bring you to the location of the npc if you are off in another place. Once you enter, you will have exactly 6 minutes to prepare yourself. No trading is allowed during this time. You should buff up your team members. After the 6 minutes is up, your top 5 will warp down to the war zone. You have exactly 1 minute to trade or do any last minute buffing to yourself.

Points is determined by how many people you kill, as well as the information located below. To see the current leaders if you look to your right, you will see the status.

  • 2 points are awarded per kill.
  • 1 extra point is awarded when the Guild Leader defeats an opposing player.
  • 1 extra point is awarded to anyone who defeats an opposing Defender.
  • 1 extra point is awarded when defeating a player whom you had not defeated before.
  • 1 extra point is awarded when defeating a player who has zero lives (respawns) remaining.
  • 1 extra point is awarded per remain life (respawns) at the end of the Guild War.

After you are done everyone will warp out. A pop up will appear which gives detail information on the participates. You can save the log file to your computer if you wish. The guild leader and the MVP can collect their prize money at the npc. Good job, and hope you had fun!

Making a Good Acrobat on Flyff

I made this guide for people to know how I made my Acrobat; It has the Acrobat Quest and the Build I used, and Equipment that is a great help.

First off, make a character. Lol.

Well I cheated because I was excited about making an Acrobat. I had my boyfriend go on his Ring Master to Heal and Buff me until I reached Level 15. Lol.

Well, to start out:

  • You’re level 1. Go out past Northern Flarine, towards the Aibatts (Level 1 - 2). You would see them shortly. Hunt them until you receive 10 Twinkle Stones. You NEED these for your job change to an Acrobat. Even if you stop getting experience from them, keep fighting until you get 10. Do NOT sell them to other people.
  • Secondly, level up until you’re level 6 or when you think you can kill Peakyturtles, which are about level 7 - 8.
  • When you can, go to the Plain of Bubble and keep killing them until you get 5 PeakyRinds. You need these too for the job change. While you’re there. Look around for a Book Of Technique. Pick it up. This is also a quest item.
  • The last item you need for the job change would be a Slain from a Lawolf. These are level 13 - 14, so you have a bit of leveling up to do.
  • When you get all of the quest items, be careful not to lose them.
  • Level up until you are level 15.
  • You need to buy a blinkwing to Darkon now. Go to East Flarine and buy TWO blinkwings from the magic shop.
  • Use one of the Blinkwings. When you’re in Darkon, talk to Hent. He tells you to kill 40 SMALL Aibatts in 7 minutes.
  • When you accept the quest, you will be teleported back to Flaris and the time starts.
  • Kill the Small Aibatts and use the other blinkwing to teleport to Darkon and talk to Hent again.
  • The next part of the quest, he tells you to collect the items I told you to collect already. Time saver, isn’t it?
  • Well take the items to Pyre, who is next to the Quest Office.
  • He explains a lot of things about Acrobats. And about the High Dwarpet Tucani who lost his Book of Technique.
  • Well, go to Flaris once again. Go to the place on the Map that says Billeting Place by Hi-Dwarpet. And look for Tucani. Talk to him and he gives you the Label Of Technique. Don’t lose this either. You have to give it to the Acrobat Trainer later on.
  • Tucani tells you to go to Darkon and slay the Shuraiture, who has been harassing people of Darkon. It’s level 15 and should be pretty easy to kill.
  • After you kill it, go back to town. Next to Hent is the Acrobat Trainer named Tailer. When you finish talking to her, you have become an Acrobat, and received a few items. Your stats have also been reset.

These are the stats that I used on my Acrobat and they seem to be working well. When you’re level 15 start your stats as STR 15, STA 18, DEX 40, INT 15.

Do not add any INT no matter how much you want more MP. Those points can be used to add more DEX. This is a DEX build, obviously, with as little STA as possible. You can add more if you want. But always add more DEX. DEX is the power for bow users. It also is the attack speed, evasion rate, and blocking rate. Your critical rate increases by 1 for every 10 points in DEX. Acrobats will never achieve the 100% Critical Rate as Jesers will.

With this build, I was able to kill things about 6 levels higher than me. At the moment, my Acrobat is level 30 and is able to take on Captain Hobos. If you want more MP, it’s good to find a couple IntelRings or Mental Necklaces.

Good Equipment that you should have starting out. You should have the level 15 Acrobat set. I loved it while I had it. It gave an extra 10% critical rate and a bunch of other stuff.

You need the level 30, 45, 60, etc. Every 15 leveled set. I think they’re awesome with the bonuses.

I’ll make an Acrobat - Ranger guide as soon as she hits level 60.

How to Earning Money on Flyff

People have asked me, and I’ve seen a lot of people beg for money, and it’s quite annoying. I’ve made a list of ways to make your own money:

  1. Buy low and sell high: Find rare items that people are selling that is reasonably cheap, buy them and sell resell them, but raise the price.
  2. Buy Cash Shop Items, such as Sprotects, and sell them: They sell for at least 5mil a piece. This is done buy using REAL money to buy Gpotatoes. Use the Gpotatoes to buy things in the Cash Shop.
  3. Do quests: You earn money by finishing some quests.
  4. Farm: This is a term used when you kill a certain mob for hours in order to get rare items and money. Some of my friends have actually let the mob kill them to prevent themselves from leveling.
  5. Giant Hunt: Giants in Flyff have good drops. They drop items around their level range. You could sell the good items for a lot of money.

All ways to earn extra cash are long. You might not make a lot of it in a few days, unless you’re lucky.

And some useful information for those desperate people searching for “penya hacks”: There is no such thing as a penya hack. If you find one, it’s most likely a keylogger. The “hack” will steal your account name and password. They will take all your items and money! Do not do that.

Flyff Getting Penya Tricks

There are four categories to getting Penya: fighting, raiding, selling and quests.


Probably the simplest way. Just fight monsters and take what they drop. All monsters drop penya when they die, if they are at a level close to or higher than yours. And, if your lucky, all monsters drop some form of item. You will know that this has happened because the monster will drop a small purple chest. Now you have 3 options, each covered later. They are: keeping it for a quest, selling it to a NPC, or selling it at a private shop. Or you can just trade it for penya. Monsters drop other things to.

Weapons and Armor:

sometimes a monster will drop a weapon. This should be the happiest day of your life. I the weapon suits you, you can use it. If not, you can sell it for a good price. Also, a monster may drop armor in a present box. It works the same way as a weapon.

Dice and cards: dice and cards will drop from a monster. These can be used to upgrade an item. Personally, me being a mage, I think that item upgrading is overrated. What you do is sell them for a high price because everyone seems to want them. The annoying thing is that people sell them for over 100,000 penya. Don’t do that. People will just pass you by. I sell them for around 50,000.


This is sometimes even easier than fighting. Just go to a spot with monsters that are way too high a level for you. When a monster drops an item, it is generally too low a level for the monster killer to use. So sometimes, the killer will leave the item. Just go around the battlefield and collect the penya, food, and item that people leave behind. But be careful. Items can’t be collected by another person for about a minute after the monster has been killed. As well players tend to hate your guts if you constantly steal their items while they are fighting. Show a little respect, man. Lastly, if you collect items from other people in your parties kills, you might get kicked out.


This one is a little complicated. Now, lets say you have some items to sell. now you can do to things: sell them to an NPC or create a private shop.

NPC: This is the most reliable way to sell. Just go to an NPC with a shop, hit trade, and move the item to the NPC’s shop menu. This will sell the item to them at a preset price, usually less than half of the price that you would buy it for.

Private Shop:

This is the complicated one. When you open a private shop, you need to advertise. Make the shop name descriptive and truthful. Also, when the shop is opened, it doesn’t hurt to shout out what you are selling every once in a while, but no too often or nobody will come. On the topic of location, it may help to be in a creative place with no other shops to get more customers. A good example is to go to a monster field, and sell food and refreshers at a higher price. People will come to your store for convenience. You should sell rare items that you can buy from an NPC away from town. You should also raise the price to a good level, but no ridiculously high. Don’t sell a pd4 for 140,000 penya, that’s just price gauging. People wont buy it.


Probably the hardest way to get penya, but with the highest rewards. Just go to a flyff fan site and fid out where to get a quest, do the quest and reap the rewards. You can also go to the quest office and get an item quest. These quests make you go to some monsters, kill them, and collect a set number of those purple boxes from them. Then bring them back and get the penya. Quest rewards generally include penya, exp, and items.

How to Ask an Assist for Buffs

As an assist, a lot of people come up to me and say “buff please”. This is one way to ask for buffs. Being an assist is hard, by the constant begging from people to buff or heal/party. This guide will tell you how to ask an assist politely, and/or party with an assist.

  1. When asking an assist, “Buff please” doesn’t sound good. What you should try to do is go up to them, and start a conversation with them. Once done, say that you are getting back to fighting or something like that. Then ask politely for a buff.
  2. When wanting an assist to party with you/ heal you, don’t just walk up to them and say “party please”… This is very annoying… Assists like to help people but at least respect us a little! How to do this is go up to an assist and say “would you like to party, or do you already have a party?” This is a very easy way to get a party with an assist.
  3. The 3rd way to get an assist to resurrect you is to either whisper, say, or if you are desperate, Shout. Once done, most assists will buff and heal you. Thank them and if you would like, add/ask to party.

Expert Tips to Making Money in Flyff

Flyff is a game based more or less on individuals economic decisions. Through inflation and deflation a player must have money at will in order to create a successful and dominate character in the game. The unique thing about Flyff is the fact that it has a ? Cash Shop? which premium items can be purchased through in-order to ?kick-start? someone?s bank balance or just to give their character the coolest and latest look.

First step:

The first step to making money in Flyff is having money to spend. There are many ways to do this through quests, collecting dropped money and selling drops or buying from the cash shop. Once you?ve gotten some money in the bank, you can start the process of becoming rich. Using the advanced party skills of ?Gift Box? and ?Fortune Circle? you can either kill normal mobs or kill giants to receive a higher rate of drops. This is the easiest way to get started but the first rule to remember is, don?t spend all that money yet!

Second step:

The second step is to merchant, merchanting in Flyff is basically buying items cheaper then the going rate and selling them at a price higher then you have bought them, making money off your purchase. Although this is high risk, it does offer a high return over time and one mistake isn’t? the end of the world.

Finally, Flyff is based on both a player?s actions and luck, if you play it smart and aim to make money by merchanting you and your character will be rolling in penya before you know it, but remember it?s just a game and if you make a mistake just try again.

Flyff 2nd Job Change Classes

This guide will tell you all you need to know about the 2nd job change classes of Flyff.

Mercenary-Knight: The Knight in Flyff in basically the tanker and protector. He is the one that attack the mobs first to tank the damage. Knights have the best strength and defensive abilities. The Knight uses two-handed swords and axes. Many people prefer the two- handed axe, because of its higher damage. Most stat builds go for a 2-3 str-sta ratio or a 3-2 str-sta ratio.

Blade: The Blade takes the role of the high dps’er. This suckers have 2nd rate defense, but hit 100% attack speed very easily. They can have crit. chances of 40-50%. The ability of the Blade to duel-wield weapons makes their attack speed evening faster. Their Sonic Blade skill can get up to 2.5-3k damage. Most stat builds go for 2-1-3 str-sta-dex ratio, but stop leveling sta around 50-75, dex at 96 or 126 because they are speed breaks, and keep pumping strength.

Assist-Billposter: The billposter of the most owning classing in the game. Knuckles are both strong and fast. Not the mention the feared Asalraalaikum. Most stat builds so 3-2-1 str-sta-dex ratio, but stop leveling dex at 67 and sta at 65-70.

Ringmaster: The cleric or healer in the game. A party lasts so much longer with a ringmaster in the group, and the ringmasters can bring out the full potentially of the other classes. Most stat builds are either full int or a 1-3 sta-int build, but stop leveling sta at 30-40.

Magician-Elementer: This class has the highest damage and the lowest defense and health. You are given 300 extra skill points when job change and trust me they go fast, because you got 19 skills. There are two types of elementer builds. One is for int and the other is for AOE. Int elementers well go for 30-40 sta and rest int. While AOE elementers go for 40-50 int and rest sta.

Psykeeper: Kind of the de-buffers and damage dealers. There are three types of build. One is called the Satan psy which involves full or close to full int, use of the satanology spell, the spirit bomb spell, and a lot of refreshers. The second is called the cruio psy which involves full or close to full sta, the use of food and pills, the cruio spell, which deals 2x damage back when maxed, and dependency on a ringmaster. The third in the AOE which involves a 3-2 sta-int ratio, the maximum crisis spell, and the psychic square spell.

Acrobat Jester: Jester have very high damage and attack speed, and in a way in a range form of the blade. Because the jesters still get the knock back ability of the yo-yo’s they or good against 1v1 mobs. You can counter any speed debuffers with your escape skill, and can kill with hit of penya. Most jesters go with a 2-2-3 str-sta-dex ratio, but stop leveling sta at about 35-50 and dex at 67 or 96.

Ranger: Rangers are the anti-mage and anyone else that relies on skills. They a skill called silent shot that prevents the person from using skills for 15 seconds, and by then they’ll fire another one at you or your already dead. The reason they are so deadly is their build go for almost all dex (some builds go 14-1 sta-dex-int build, but stop leveling int at 40 or so, and sta at 30 or so) and combined with silent shot, fast shot, dark illusion and junk arrow they’ll rape you.

List of Classes on Flyff

An overview of the classes in Flyff.

The Mage hits VERY powerfully on the other hand can overheat, or run out of MP. Most of the time mages have OK HP but not always, so their dependent on using a lot of food, and refreshers.

Assists are not very strong but can heal, or buff. It all depends on what you are becoming as an assist If you are becoming a BillPoster, then you are strong if you are becoming a Ringmaster, then you master in buffs and healing people. For Assists it all depends on their 2nd job change.

Acrobats are strong with a bow but slow with it. They can also use yoyo’s which are very fast and hit bad. So you would want to use a bow and be fast.

Mercaneries are fast, but boring to most at the beginning. They only get a choice of a sword or an axe. As you get higher level you become a lot stronger and less boring.

Flyff Brief Level 1-90 Guide

A brief level 1-90 guide on how to level and job change on the game Flyff (This guide does not go over quests or builds.)

When leveling in Flyff, you need to know what to level on.

Say, you are level 11 and you cannot decide what to train on, whether you should kill Lawolfs, Grownup Lawolfs, or even PukePukes! My guide will take you through the steps, and strategies on what to kill to level up faster.

Before we get started, for the many people that have made Flyff leveling guides, MOST, if not all of them are based around having an assist, Billposter, or Ringmaster buffing and healing them. I understand that most new people do not know what buffs are.

Buffs - Fighting enhancements, help in combat by improving performance.

Buffs are very useful, once you have reached about level 20, you might want a healer and buffer, it’s hard to find people willing to buff and heal you that are higher level than you. Since you are level 20, assists your level are just now getting their buffs. Most assists don’t max the essential buffs that most people need.

Buffs you will need if you are an assist:

Haste - Increases attack speed, when maxed, attack speed is +25%

Heap Up - Increases Stamina. When maxed, STA level is +40

Cannon Ball - This buff is optional, rangers love this buff and Max Quickstep. It gives +20 DEX when maxed.

Beef Up - Increases Strength level by 20 when maxed.

Ressurection - Billposters (Fighting assist class,) Some have it, some don’t. If your partner dies, you can ressurect them from the dead and save them time from having to come back to you.

Those are the basic buffs that assists need. Some require you to be up to level 30 to use, but don’t worry. It’s not that hard to get there.

Class: Vagrant, level 1-10

On this level you are new to the game and do not know what to expect. Well I am here to tell you so that you do! At level 1-10 you kill the same level as you. Many players will try to say that you need to train on level 3-4’s but if you do, you will die almost instantly from the lack of start off food. The items that you start off with are a partial cotton set (Hat missing) of clothing, a wooden sword, 1 biscuit, 3 lollipops, and something else that I might have forgotten.

Level 1-5: You should work on easy level 1-2 Aibatts, and then work your way up to captains and then burudengs. By the time your done killing Aibatts, press I to go to your inventory, and click-and-drag your food to the F1, F2, F2, and so on buttons. Once completed, all you have to do during battle is press a key and the item activates.

Level 5-10: You should attack Demain Urchains, or pukepukes. By now you should know how to do basic functions such as heal attack, move, speak, and use new items.

Level 10-15 were the hardest levels in vagrant class for me to get through many think alike too. What you should begin leveling on is Lawolfs, Grownup Lawolfs, and Feferns. These get a little bit harder since you are higher levels and you don’t hit a lot.

Before I go ahead into the job change part of this guide, I would like to talk about jobs, money, and upgrades.

In flyff, there are 4 basic jobs. The 4 basic jobs are Acrobat, Assist, Mage, and


Acrobat - Uses YoYo, and can use bow and arrows. Yoyo can knock back enemies (not very strong)(Attack fast)

Assist - Uses stick or knuckle, With stick you can heal/buff people and knuckle you attack with.

Mage - A basic magician, can cast various spells and do a lot of damage. (Weapons say slow, but that’s listed for melee attack speed.)

Mercenary - VERY BORING during the beginning and mostly relies on an assist’s buffs at low levels. At higher levels, they become strong. (attack - Fast - Very fast.)

Job change

By now you should have decided to what you want to become in Flyff. If you haven’t, look above.

Mages - The mage trainer is in Saint Morning and you need to go to the magic shop to buy a blinkwing to go to there. (Eastern town part)

Assists - The assist trainer is in Flaris and should be easy to find.

Mercenary - The Mercenary trainer is right by the Assist trainer.

Acrobat - The acrobat trainer is in Darkon right next to where you teleport to after using a blinkwing.

Level 15-20:

So, your level 15 and you want to know what to kill, rather you should kill Feferns still or go on to those weird named Sleaze cats (Nyangnangs). Well as I said in the last part, if you kill things the same level as you, you will not get good exp, infact, it will reduce by as much as 50%! The right thing to kill is a Nyangnang in that case.

If you have buffs, or a party, then you can go kill bangs, boss bangs, or mutant monsters. A lot of times you don’t know a lot of assists that can stay with you and that keep buffing you. But if you do, then you’re good to go.

So continue to kill level 17-25’s and reach level 20. Once level 20 you will have to be proud of yourself because now you can fly!!!

Fly away little birdie, if you would like, you could increase your flying level, or just continue to train.

Flying Level: Flying level is increased by killing monsters in the sky, not by how much you fly. Different boards are available to buy. For starters, just buy the beginner board.

Easy way to increase flying level

An easy way to increase your flying level is to look at the monster in the air, press TAB. Once done, your monster will be targeted. (For a mage at this point just put on a wand and keep clicking.) For other classes you can then press Z key. You will now be following the monsters. Just put on your weapon and start attacking! (Note: You may have to keep clicking.)

Level 20-30

At this level, you should be able to do a lot of things, such as emotes, know what and Adv party is, and much more. Since you know all of this, you can kill high levels. At level 20 I would recommend killing in Mars mine, or just go to Saint Morning, and kill Wagsaacs, Mias, or flybatts. DO NOT KILL THE GIANTS, THEY WILL KILL YOU FAST!!! THEY HAVE MORE HP THAN YOU. EVEN IF YOU ARE 1-5 LEVELS HIGHER THAN IT, YOU’LL STILL HAVE A GOOD CHANCE AT DYING. Save the Giant Hunting for your higher levels.

If you are a mage, then you kill things a lot quicker and you attack stronger. So if you are a mage you can attack higher levels than others. If you are not a mage, then you have to kill at least 3 levels higher than yourself. (Note: if you are a mage, and then make sure you have a lot of food with you. And not the weak food that’s like dropped by monsters. DON’T BE CHEAP WITH IT!!! It’s worth it.)

Important notes - Hot keys

In flyff, you might have noticed that there are a lot of hot keys - Here is the list of all of them:

I - Inventory


E- Messenger



P-Party control



J-Premium Status



C-Skill use (Action Slot)

L-Lord Menu (This is useless for low levels)



These are VERY important!

Level 30-40

Ok, so know you should know all of the hot keys so we don’t need

to talk about that any more!

At level 30, you should start training on Hobo’s, Rock muscles, Burcows, and dumbulls. If you can, find a good level party to train with and level up high. Once you hit level 34, you don’t want to train on these weak things (well at lease I didn’t) so I killed totemia’s and maid card puppets until I leveled to 40.

Level 40-50

At level 40-50 You should go to Rhisis Garden. (it has a lot of names)

Here you should train on Tombstone Bearers. These are level 43. After you are done killing them, move on to the different types of Basques. After you are done, DO NOT GO TO WHEELEMS, THEY ATTACK 2 TIMES IN A ROW AND KILL YOU FAST!!! JUST STAY AWAY.

Now, go to pranksters. After you are done with pranksters, you should be level 45 or so.

Congratulations! You can now move on to Darkon!!! At these levels, you almost NEED to complete the Office Quests. It’s 17% that you don’t need to train to get.

Level 50-60At level 50-60, you are very excited to be a high level, you start asking around for good builds, info, and so on. The thing that I found useful is this: DON’T!!

Focus on leveling one level at a time, or else you will get super bored and disappointed.

At level 50, you should kill leyenyas, once level 51 just move on to steam walkers.

If you would like more of a challenge, move to Steel Knights, and once your level 54, Kill Nutty Wheels. Many dissagree with me, but I say, kill captain drillers, or volts.

Once done you should be about level 57 or so, continue to train on Elderguards. Some think that you should train on cranes when your level 59, I didn’t, Actually I flew to Darkon 3 and killed Dumps, and Grrs. You die too much at level 59 killing cranes also Dumps and Grrs are lower level, this means when you reach their level, your going to be happy you killed them. Less farming or buying your quest items.

So there you go, get to level 60, and have fun! You get a new job, skills, skill points, perception of gameplay, and entered in the dog-eat-dog world called Flyff. It’s a beast out there, good thing you have guides.

It’s finally here, level 60-90. First off, I’d like to thank ALL the people that helped me write this guide, providing me with small corrections, suggestions, and comments. While most of them are positive, I’ve had spam and negative comments. But I understand there are different leveling methods and I respect that. I’ve only deleted 2 posts of very negative content. One of which was a flamer and another was just some random person. Spam was deleted also. Here we go.

Version 11-12: In version 11 and 12, most know about the Cash Shop. Many people buy things from there providing Gala-Net with money to keep the GMs and the game updated on a weekly basis. These ingame items can help you or just make you look better. Yes, I have bought alot of these things. No comments of the “You spend money on a video game?!?” Please keep all those negative comments to yourself.

Azria: Azria is a new Winter-themed place for high levels. The minimum monster there is level 73, which is a Yeti. Alot of people like Azria due to it’s massive amount of monster spawns. I level there, I am an AoE BP. At level 75 I could round up 80 Mutant Yeti. While this wasn’t a smart way to gain exp, it leveled the party to level 10 when I had a leech with me in one AoE.

If you hadn’t known this already, being in a full, Advanced party gives more exp for both you and a leech. If you do not have a leech with you, you won’t get as much exp.

This also levels the party. Leveling a party help you get party points, you can use party skills with these points. Using party skills can help your drop rate for special, or rare items. They can also increase your damage rate.

At level 60 you should be fighting either Grrs, Scylias, Cranes, or Dumps. Doing this will allow you to get exp, and drops at the same time. Quest items are needed at this level, whether it’s to farm them and sell for money, or to complete your quest and get your experience.

You should move on to Mongs once you are level 65, after a few levels there, if you can, kill CarrierBombs, Nautrephys, Boos, or Hoppres. These get difficult for people that are impatient to get quest items from. I know, I’m very impatient, so I just bought mine.

After these monsters are done, you should be about level 68-70. This is just an estimate. You can get powerleveled, sure, but that takes all the things you play for away. Being a tough, grinding, focused player. Yeah, you could guess it, I got power leveled too. Most of the population has gotten power leveled at this time, they get so bored that they just want to level up and use more equipment. So that makes you feel that your not alone.

From level 70, you get the hang of what you have to do instead of get power leveled all the time. That’s right, GRIND. Don’t pickup your drops anymore, don’t be a noob, just kill, one after another, nonstop. This is what your going to be facing for the rest of your Flyff life. Now, you should STILL be training on these monsters, just not the Nautrephys and Boos. Carriers and Hoppres are what I trained on. I stayed at Hoppres for… About 5 levels.

Until now I was 1v1 BP. Now I restated and reskilled to an AoE build. Very happy I did, too. AoE builds level you up SO much faster than a 1v1. You just need to know your limits, and exceed them, be prepaired.

You should be able to take on Mushpoies, I know, they’re alot high level than you, your only maybe 75, but I was able to take them on at 70. You should be able to, too!

Continue to train on these, Irens, and if you’d like to really go for it, Wantangkas.

I realize, v12 has released a Tower that has high level monsters in it. I will NOT be reporting on this, I lagg too much to even DARE to go inside. Also, horrible exp gain rate in there.

After Wantangkas, you should go to The trees, Antiquery. If you find these are too easy for you, try Luias. Since I am not 1v1, this guide might be a little innaccurate. Please tell me if I’m wrong. I’ve researched this, and guides say to stay on Luias and Kerns until level 90.

Thanks to everyone that has read this, I hope this will help you with all your leveling needs. Tips are welcome, and helping other players that comment when I cannot is greatly appreciated. I will never post without my Gameslosophy Credits, so you will be able to find out if it’s me responding, or someone copying my name. Once again, thanks. Happy Gaming!

A great time to play, you can use your new attacks, skills, weapons, and you can buy stuff & upgrade too!

Flyff Perfect Blade Guide

This is a guide on how to make your flyff blade correctly and most efficiently.

I have noticed through the numerous topics in help forums of mercenaries and blades alike asking for what build they should be stated to and the miss-informed replies being past back and then cycled amongst other blade build topics.

This guide is to clear these myths and offer the best stating all the way through your levels and what sets to equipment to maximize effectiveness.

The aim is to minimize your dex level as you progress through levels and eventually at level 100 a full strength build is most efficient. However you will require at least one restate at level 100 to do this. Ok so firstly, before this restate at level 100 you should have 47 dexterity as this is a speed break with max buffs. (47dex is faster attack speed than that of 46.) It is important to get this dex level up while you are low because you will be furthest from 100% attack speed at this level and the weapons get better more commonly then at a high level making strength less relevant.

I suggest leveling dex and strength near a 1:1 ratio however reaching 47-dex a bit before strength is 47. Stamina is up to you. If you want to level faster but take more risk go for 30sta. If you don’t like risks go for 50stamina or 40. But DO NOT go above 50 as it is a waste of points considering blades don’t tank more than 1 or 2 mobs in the case of an aggro. Once your dex has reached 47 its full strength from there. At level 45 a rare set will be available. Save your money for this. Pangril set it is called for males and Stich for females. This suit along with its other cool bonus’s adds 20% attack speed. This is very important as it will get you to 100% attack speed with your 47 dex and buffs. You will be keeping this set until level 90 so make sure you upgrade it well as you won’t need to buy 60 or 75 sets.

The reason for keeping the set is that you will be able to have a much higher strength bonus then if you were to use another set and lose your 20% speed as well as strength.

At level 90 you will be with RM’s with a skill called GT. This will give you the speed bonus (as well as bonus strength) that you need allowing you to get the 90 set and maintain 100% attack speed.

With this build I was able to hit 12k damage at level 8x on pinkies. Killing a pinkies (level 87 mob) in 3 seconds on average. Out damaging those with even +10 axes quite easily. (I had 25sta however.) But you get the drift.

As you do not need to buy level 60 or 75 sets all that money can go towards piercing you suit for more damage 4 4% piercing of attack is a semi cheap option and gives you a whole 16% more attack dmg. Lightning cards are a bit excessive as you will be 90 in no time with this build. At level 100 you are able to restate to full strength to kill even faster. With this build and good equipment you can damage glaphans for 19k, 28k, 19k, 28 etc damage… Making blades whom are already fastest killing class in game a whole lot stronger :D

This method has been tested on a blade account, which I have taken beyond level 100.

If you liked this guide make sure to send it on to your friends. Good luck with your Flyffing.

Flyff Guide to Fastest Leveling

Flyff is a game based around parties for fast leveling. Unlike many other games solo play is not advisable. To solo in flyff would be rather easy. However without buffs your killing speed would be slowed down dramatically and more importantly without the advanced party bonus you are looking at least 50% exp loss per mob.

Level 1-15

Your vagrant levels the most boring. Unlike job change leveling as a vagrant does not give increased exp bonus with an advanced party. In fact the best way to level as a vagrant is with a ringmaster, commonly referred to as a rm. buffing you (haste, beef, heap up,) being the most important for a vagrant, will increase your kill speed dramatically. When being buffed to 15 I advise to put all points into strength to increase damage, the haste buff will give you the speed and accuracy you need for the low level mobs. Kill high level mobs at lvl 1 killing 1 puke puke will give you level 3 straight of the bat. Continue with the 7-8 levels above own level pattern until lvl 12.

At level 12 enter the Mas Dungeon. In here you can kill the mutant feferns for slightly double the exp of bangs, whose levels closely represent.

Without buffs

If leveling without buffs stick to mobs you are able to kill fast. Such as 3 levels above your level. NEVER kill mobs the same level as you, or under this is a waste of time as it cuts exp % on top of the fact that it’s a low level mob which already gives less exp.

Put all strength points until level 10. Once you start fighting lawolf you will finally get your first “miss” hit as lower level mobs you can’t miss on. Choose to continue adding strength or if you want to move onto feferns faster add dex until level 15.

Level 15-60

After doing job change quest you are able to reset your distributed points for free as well as your skills, which there was no real point in leveling anyway.

From now on you will ALLWAYS want to level inside of an advanced party. An advanced party is a party that has reached level 10. Once a party reaches level 10 and has been changed to advanced, it then gives party members more exp. To maximize exp the best way is to join a party that has 8 people (a full party.) In this party you will invite 1 friend who will level in the same area as you. Doing this you will both get bonus exp from being in the party? Make sure the other 6 party members are not in the same area as you. Or they will affect your exp.

Once you reach around level 30 buffs reliant classes will notice the dependant on buffs. While you have been leveling you should have been taking note of any full support assists you have seen through your travels. It is important as you progress through the game to add these people to your friends even if you have not spoken to them before. Of course explain why you are adding them, just tell them that if they ever need a partner you will be there for them. This means next time you log onto the game and need to level you can go through your list and find a partner rather than waiting in town or shouting for a partner which may even take hours…

It is important not to deny your often partners as they may not want to level with you and you may lose your friendship. You might suffer some exp gain by leveling with a regular client or friend, however it will be worth it in the long run as the other partners may not play as often or be not as skilled.


Once you have found your partner and are aware that they will be leveling with you for some time. I highly suggest going to server 4 arena and flying above on your board or outside the arena. Ask here for some buffs as politely as you can. Why here? Often high levels will be hanging out in the arena on server 4, therefore you will receive the best buffs quite possibly all maxed out buffs. Quickly return to your partner and tell them to make sure the buffs do not run out. If they keep rebuffing over the good buffs you will be leveling with maxed out level 20 buffs for possibly hours provided you don’t die.

With this method you will actually level faster than being plvled…

Mages are less reliant on buffs an assist should be able to buff themselves. Assists (future bp’s) in this case. Should do the method mentioned in the above paragraph and rebuff themselves. For mages and future bp’s you should level with another partner that is also fighting. This means you will get the advanced party bonus from each of your kills and you will also receive a portion of their kill.

Players should be fighting 6-8 levels above themselves. If a mage is with an assist, up to 10 levels is generally faster provided you stay alive. Why? Because the damage reeducation due to spells is a lot less than that off other classes when fighting higher-level mobs don’t ask why.

Level 60-120

You have the basics down by now and are well on your way to becoming max level. A few other things that will get you their faster:

  • Elementing weapons. By adding an element to a weapon you will hit much higher.

  • Dekane mines. Get in their as early as you can. As they give double exp to trees and watagnka’s given your level. (Similar to Mas dungeon vs. Bangs exp.) Fight in the pinkies room. Level 78 is the perfect level to go here. At around level 80-82 once you are able to kill them faster you will actually be leveling even faster.

  • Worry about leveling over getting money. Believe me the cash will come to you once you’re higher so don’t worry too much now. As your leveling greens will drop which you can sell to players for a fortune. Its best to wait for the weapon your wishing you can buy then waste time killing giants aimlessly slowly increasing your income. Get on with it and level one green drop could be worth 50 times that of a white drop.


Don’t bother until you can solo it with a rm. Once you can do this make guild with only you and a rm friend. Kill it sell its loot unless it benefits you disband your guild and fight it in 3 days time.

Extra fast leveling class specific tips

At level 60 if you can afford restart to full stamina build.

Buy the cheap lvl 59-62 set from NPC. Put water element on the lvl 56 suit while you’re at lvl 60. Go to kerns. Put on crucio then run in circles and have your rm heal you. Stay here until 65 (4 hours or so.)

Level 62 put a fire element on your level 62 suit, fly to glaphans with your rm.

Fight the small glaphans in the area with non-red mobs (aggro’d mobs.)

Level 68 or so go to captain glaphans. When fighting avoid killing the aggro’s. Because they may spawn on top of you or your rm, thus killing you both.

If the red mob is in the center of the mobs then kill it until it is in the corner but level with precaution if you have killed it. Stay at glaphans until 78 and then move to mines. Make sure to gpro you suit for defense as at level 78 AOE’ing will be hard. If you have the money spro your suit up. No point doing this before you are high enough for mines as leveling is to fast to bother.

I first played aibatt server. Being fresh to the game xLadyVietx taught me the crucio method back before people knew about it. Which got em up to around 4th rank on the server.

When mushpoie server came out using these tips which I have explained above I was able to reach rank 1 on the server at around level 90.

Teaching these methods to a friend her and I like rm and psy were able to once again top a server on MIA server this time. Until we gave away the rm and psy account at lvl 93 to 2 other guildies due to the hacking wave that made us want to quit. When this cleared up I made a bow jester on aibatt server again. With the above method I was able to get to lvl 81 in 10 days playing time. Which could have been faster without having real life commitments over these 10 days.

With this said the above method of leveling really is the fastest. If you would like more class specific tips of builds or just any other information ask me about them as I am very happy to help.

Flyff Yorrn Quest Guide

This will show you the location of yorrn, needed for the new puppy yorrn quest.

Doing the new puppy yorrn quest? Want that 15k penya? Who isn’t and who doesn’t. want to get it done fast and easy? Well, here you go.

Yorrn Quest

This is where yorrn is.

Just go down the river near where the grownup lawolfs are. A little more than halfway from where the lawolf plain starts. Then, jump up the cliff by hold in w and space while facing the cliff to get up. Then, pick up the scroll (under a tree) and bring it back to loyah. Donating penya to the dareaper quest guide fund will also ensure more quest guides.

Just an early AoE Assist Guide

Well, this’ a nicely constructed guide, which is rare.

However, I’d like to make a few comments on some of the sections.

For the stat build, it would be nice if you explained what each of them did, rather than say two weren’t needed. (such as, str adding to melee and skill damage, or sta adding to both defense and hp and so on)

The skill build sounds ok, just that I prefer maxing Beefup before Burst. (beef and burst get you relatively the same -imo- bonus in attack when either is maxed, so keeping burst on a low level at first helps with FP consumption)

Also, I’d like to add that after maxing imperative AoE buffs such as Heap, Beef and Burst, Stonehand would be next, to help you stun the mobs as you AoE them, providing less pressure on healing, as well as giving you the opportunity to AoE a few more monsters than you would without stonehand. (about a third of the mobs you aoe usually gets stunned during an AoE sequence) Also, at later levels, maxed Prevention helps as well, as it provides you with basically double your hp. (so long as mobs don’t hit you for more damage than your prevention line [the point it triggers at, 10% your max hp], you get fully healed!~)

For equips, I’d also go for plug earrings, should you try to pick on a more plentiful spawn, (what’s 1-2 fewer hits worth, when you can take 5-10 more monsters?) but also elemented suits! I cannot put enough pressure on that. It can be godly, especially at lower levels and when you pass to a higher leveled mob. Elementing with whatever’s stronger than your targets’ element helps you receive significantly lower damage per hit; elementing with the same element helps you receive more 0-damage hits (more useful when the mobs you fight already deal low enough damage, so that element cards don’t really help lowering it significantly enough)

This brings me to another part of the set page of the guide: Npc sets! Don’t underestimate them, they’re often more beneficial [and cheaper] than green sets. They provide more natural def. bonus than green sets and it surely makes them more of a candidate than the lv. 30 and 45 sets.

The lv. 60 set, however, I recommend. The 15% hp bonus is one of the sought-after bonuses an AoE-er would want. You can always stumble upon a high-level npc knuckle, or one awakened for str, or attack, or sta and so on, rather than spend a fortune on a guardian knuckle whose only bonus you’d use is actually the hp bonus - the attack it has isn’t going to make it worth spending 100-200mill penya on it for 15 levels.

Hope that helps.

Knight Guide for PvP

“Ultimate Character”

This is everything you should have to be able to muster the full power of your knight…


Strente +3 2pcs

Speedo +3 2pcs

Mighteer +3 2pcs

Gore Necklace +6


Legendary Big Golden Axe +10…


Mask w/ +5STR or +5STA…


Cloak of STR or DCGW Cloak +5all stats…


Knigherts Helm,Gaunts,Boots +10

Knigherts Suit +10 4/4LC

Knigherts Suit +10 4/4VolcanoCard


Guide vs. other JOB’s


all of us know that both classes have sneaker which is pain in d ass when it comes 2 PvP,GW…

before u duel be sure if its a friendly battle or a serious one which will determine d bragging rights…

Use Rage, Axe Buffs, PainReflect(only if u prefer), Protection(if u prefer), GUARD–>If He’s a DEX type

If its a NO SNEAKER battle:

Click d auto-follow icon then when d countdown hits “2″ Use GUARD skill… Then Splmash-Keen Combo…

If ever u encounter a DEXsta build… try to use Speedo’s or ask an RM/BP to buff u with Cat’s Reflex…

If the battle is a SNEAKER-ON game…

When the countdown hits “2″ cast POWERSWING skill then cast SNEAKER on him…

if u execute this skill properly… he wont be able to damage a.s.a.p bcoz he’s far from u…

as soon as u’ve done it properly, use GUILLOTINE skill to finish him off… u can also STUMP him…


of course this is a battle of which has d bigger fire power nd d higher def,HP

use all of ur buff skills as stated in knights vs blades…

u can use either mighteers or plugs/penz…

before u fire away ur splmash-keen combo… USE PAINDEALER skill!!!

my personal favorite is using GUARD when d countdown is between “3″ nd “2″ then cast power swing,

then cast PAINDEALER then splmash-keen combo away…

an advise to knights… only use splmash and 2 keen’s only… (bale 3action slots i2)


surely it will be a sneak vs. satan style… both of u shud agree not to use these skills…

pasaway lng manyyari kse…

use all firepower u’ve got… dont bother using guard coz it wont affect un nman…

just splmash-keen combo ur way 2 victory…

this is a battle of which can deal d faster damage… nd which has d highest STA


this same as Psy’s… but elem’s have windfield skill which can make u immobile…

they have high damage which can pulverize any1…

so before u start click d auto-follow mode then hack nd saw…


if its a bow type then ur chances of winning is 99.99%

d .01% of lossing is if ur dumb enuf to lose… joke lng

PAN BARRIER is d word… use it!

if its a yoyo type then u hav urself a good match…

click auto-follow then ur next step will dpend on what he does…

If he hides, wait 4 him 2 stop running then click him nd splmash keen him…

if he uses counterAttack then run away from him just a little bit then cast GUILLOTINE(u wont be stunned promise)

if he HOP’s you… then u just have to tank his damage… so make sure u have enuf HP…

if he uses normal attacks on you, SNEAK him then guillotine till d end… use powerswing sometimes


no special technics required…

treat them as Jesters which have a HP of a knight’s…

spmash-keen them


do i have to type somthing here?

if its a merkaba type then sneak him and use powerstump to finish him 4 fun

if its a BRM dex type… POWERSWING-SNEAK-GUILLO combo him


BP’s are d worst opponents 2 have bcoz of 2 words: ASAL nd STONEHAND…

to beat them u shud have a considerable high HP nd lots of timing…


if ever they become immobilized… 95% of them will just fly away til the sneak fades away…

so use hazards to run away…

if u have a low HP then ur chances of winning is NIL!!! (0%)

95% of them will cast immediately their ASAL… so use HP suit to tank it…

after he casts ASAL on you. you shud have finish d swing-sneak teknik then fire-away (use attack suit na)



Ultimate PvP/pLVL-MoB/GW BUILD

STR: xxx

STA: 150


STR: xxx

STA: 30~50


STR: xxx

STA: 80~120


STR: 15



STR: xxx

STA: 15~50

DEX: 15+ (it dpends on you! but i prefer to make it 15)

make sure ur STR stats have a base of 10… in able to get d STR break point…

(if u divide ur STR by 10, u shud have no remainder)

Plug+4 Dropping Guide / Fly Fight Guide

few words…

Character: you need a lvl48-52 character. Mercenary with DEX build or a Mage FullINT preferred.

Where: Between Darkon and Flaris.

Killing: Captain Rockepellers, flying monsters, lvl50.

Why: CptRockepellers has got a HUGE possibility of dropping a PLUG+4.

The monster:

Captain Rockepellers. Flying in the low air on the path between Flaris and Darkon, but also in the high air just a bit south of it. These are high-HP monsters, totally useless to kill, if it wasn’t for the plugs….

These monsters are electrical, so they’ll suffer damage from +earth weapons. That’s why I suggest refining all the equip with +earth.

Here’s the drop rate of all Rockepellers (thanks to ItsReiko):

Small Rockepeller drops:

DemolEarring+4 - 0.4% chance

Normal Rockepeller drops:

PlugEarring+4 - 0.4% chance

Captain Rockepeller drops:

DemolEarring+4 - 0.4% chance

PlugEarring+4 - 0.4% chance

Giant Rockepeller drops:

DemolEarring+4 - 1.2% chance

PlugEarring+4 - 1.2% chance

Touch Card - 6% chance

Flame Card - 3% chance

Power Dice 4 - 6% chance

Power Dice 6 - 3% chance

Power Dice 8 - 0.7% chance

Power Dice 10 - 0.6% chance

Power Dice 12 - 0.3% chance

The drop:

Basically you’ll drop two items: DemolEarring+4 and PlugEarring+4.

First one is a version of the Mighteer, but it’s +attack rate is not even noticeable while you kill. In fact, this item is almost worthless, in front of a Plug. The second one is what you’re going to drop. The PlugEarring+4 has got almost the same devense of a Penzeru+1, but is way cheaper to drop, or buy. The +def is +94, incredible for any AOE class or any low STA class needing of a huge defense. Becouse two plugs+4 @ level50 can add a +50% of defense or more very easily.

The character:

There are two types of characters to go dropping plugs.

Easy way: level 50 mage PureINT. Get one, no matter how. The equip is, obviously, Teba Set+3+3earth with Branch Of Rhisis+3+3earth. The pros of using a mage is the easy way of killing, since you just have to target and fire, you’ll launch “homing missles” to the monster, damaging pretty high. It’s good for a computer suffering of lag, becouse spawning and vanishing monsters will be automaticly re-targeted and keep being killed. Still, it’s not the fastest kind of character to kill.

Hard way: level 50 mercenary Dex Blade build. This time equip is Pangrill+3+3earth and Masquerpet Axe+3+3earth. You need master Axe skills for this, so you’ll hit a lot more. In fact, mercenary is way faster at killing Rockepellers, but you’ll have to run after the monster and catch it. This means that a lagging computer won’t be adapt to such character, since when the monster will vanish cause you’re lagging, you’ll lose the target, and start running after it again. But if you have a good connection, and you’re not going to watch TV in the meanwhile, this is a great killer.

The party-more luck-whatever:

Actually, I have never seen any difference between being in a party or not, having cheer or not… and as usual I only think these are only metropolitan legends made by noobs. I think the best way of killing these is just going there when you don’t have enough time to go level and so you can’t do nothing else. You don’t need a party or nothing. Just put your killer between the monsters, and go there whenever you have a minute to lose. The drop rate is random, so also the first monster can drop you a Plug.

Partyes aren’t of any help, at least for my experience. Neither GB or FC. Still, this is not an accurate information, so it can be just an impression.

Now learn fighting in the air:

1)Click two times on the flying item icon to jump on the board/broom.

2)Get at Rockepellers.

3)Use TAB to select the monster, keeping it in the middle of the screen.

4)Press Z to start homing the monster.

5)Press INSERT and while you keep INSERT pressed press on ENTER. This will activate the AUTO-ATTACK.

6)If you’re a mage, you should be already sending spells to the monsters. If you’re a mercenary, you must touch the monster to start killing.

7)Press SPACE to stop, so you don’t get dizzy while killing.

Repeat from 3 infinite times, but skip 5, becouse is already activated.

And now?

Drop 2Plugs+4 fo yourself. You’ll find them useful forever. Then start dropping some “for others” and sell.

Finally I had the possibility to remake it.

Woxxy, the discoverer of this crap. =

Making Enough Money To Survive

Ok, so no doubt you are here for one of two reasons:

1. You are new to the game and want to know how to make some quick penya to buy that nice weapon/armour/shield/set etc.

2. You want to see why this guide may or may not be different to all of the other guides out there.

This is my first time writing a guide so don’t flame me if it’s not all that good. The guide itself may not be any different to any other “Money making” guide out there, but at the very least it could simply be forgotten about. I appreciate any Constructive criticism and any spelling/grammar errors within my guide being reported. Without further stalling, I present to you BloodRedAngel’s money making guide.

Note: This guide is now aiming to be Version 11 friendly.

Quote From The Guide:

Things that are worth selling at NPC’s:

1. Browns (Same as greens but brown instead =p) Unless it’s a shield (I.E Avalon/Ancient/Battle Shield) these aren’t worth much but are suprisingly good selling point at NPC’s

I will however reword that as it does sound a tad confusing the way I put it


Originally Posted by Blackvoice

Very nice guide. This should have existed sooner. *sigh* All that I learned on my own… ow, stupid overpriced starcandies…

v.v I thought most of this was covered in guides given the multitude of them I’ve seen out there. A bad way to learn about that but at least that way you won’t fall for it twice =]


Originally Posted by FlyffSoul

Hmm I wonder why this guide got less than a 20% rating. My guide called how to be a successful assist got a bad rating today also.Some idiot is going around derating our guides cuz they feel like it. pisses me off.

^^ Well I’m not hugely bothered about the rating, the guide is here for use regardless of rating, word of mouth can work better than ratings. All it takes is for someone to quote this guide in a topic on the forums and the news will be spread and the rating should be ignored/fixed.

Just need a few more faults/that pm on the 2nd class Gianting info and I can get to work on the next “Version”

Oh yeah, and I’ve been at work all day so I’m only gonna reply this week after 6:00 PM BST

If there’s no info on gianting I’ll start the next version in an hour or so


Oh final note, next time I get on flyff I’m gonna get a picture for the guide though if someone could get me a picture before then that represents this guide I’d be very grateful

How to deal damage with melee

I have seen 90% of time people in FlyFF just adding stats because they are told how it would be best for them, without them even realizing what they are doing.. Or even why is Dexterity (DEX) important for damage, ‘liek omg, why do we need dex when we can put all to Strenght (STR)’ - Unless you can afford +8 gear or higher, you can’t be more wrong than that. Higher Dex can have lot higher effect on total damage you deal than not having it at all.

This guide is mainly meant for: Yoyo Jesters, Blades, 1vs1 Knights, Billposters and Ringsmasters.

But I do hope others get something out of it too. (This guide in a way explains why Bow Jesters usually are seen as ’super’ fast levelers for first.. High Crit and high Hit ratio can do miracles.)

NOTICE: Having atleast decent hit ratio is MOST important thing on dealing damage, since it effects your total damage most. Miss = 0 damage and it is always 0 damage, no matter how godly Str you have. And it always slows your killing speed if you miss lot.. In most cases your total damage dealed can be even cutted to half.

So here I start the main part of guide, the attribute on dealing damage with melee. In order of importance:

1. Hit Ratio

Remember - Hit ratio effects most out of all attributes on your AVERAGE damage.

Hit ratio is placed first in here, because it effects your average damage most in long run. And that’s why it effects everything below it.

Maximum hit ratio you can have in FlyFF is 96%

(There’s is always 4% chance to miss, no matter how high Dex or +hit% gear you get.)

1% Hit ratio = about 1% More damage you deal per average hit.

(Why? Since everytime you miss, it’s 0 damage - means you lose one damaging hit)

Assist skill Accuracy increases LOT more your total damage than Beef Up or Cannon Ball. At extremely high levels Cannon Ball might have slightly more effect due it’s crit bonus and aspd (Attack Speed) bonus but not at lower levels. So for god sake, low level assists: Start taking Accuracy buff already at lower levels - It helps your partners lot more then than Beef Up or Cannon Ball even if your partners don’t realize it.

Upgrading gear with Sunstones gives Hit Ratio:

+3 = 5% Hit

+5 = 10% Hit

+7 = 20% Hit

+8 = 30% Hit

+10 = 45% Hit

But even +10 gear alone isn’t enought to get maxed hit ratio.

(Upgrading gear after +3, can break (disappear) if it fails, so it requires Spros to avoid this)

And most important of all, here’s online calculator for your Hit Ratio.. There isn’t any number to see your Hit Ratio inside game (you only see it as misses), so this helps alot:

Lv = Your character level (This effects hit ratio too)

Dex = Your dex, you can try unbuffed and with maxed cannon (+20)

AdjHit = Hit ratio bonuses, like from weapons, sets etc (Accuracy is +20)

eLv = Enemy level you are fighting max is about 7-10 level higher

eHit = Hit ratio based on monster

eFlee = Evasion on monster to make you miss, based on monster

(eHit and eFlee can be found in online databases like:

Hit Rate = Your counted hit rate, between 20% - 96%

Flee Rate = Your counted block rate (increased by dex), between 4% - 80%

(Just like the calculator says, minimum Hit Ratio is 20% - you can’t go below it)

Higher level increases your base Hit Ratio.

(Dexterity scales by level, just like Stamina)

2. Attack Speed

Remember - Attack Speed effects most out of all attributes on your TOTAL damage

Every 1% you hit faster, means you deal 1% more total damage. What do I mean? Let me explain..

Basic idea of attack speed in FlyFF:

Your attack speed is something between 0% and 100%. Which means there isn’t really a own speed factor for different weapons, so it means every profession based weapon have their own base speed (fast, very fast, slow etc..) which can be ‘normalized’ at 100%. That’s how it works, hope that explains why getting maxed aspd is important.

For Assists: Haste is extremely good skill to max, since it effects your own and your partners total damage more than any other buff, Accuracy comes second.

Attack speed is affected most by ’speed breaks’ that are certain numbers of Dex so when you pass those your aspd leaks more than from just adding 1 dex. I’ll find links for these later, they have all written on the forums anyways - check your own class forums for those.

However, aspd is very easy to get maxed at higher levels.. And in many cases goes even over 100% (which is max). Mainly thanks to Assist/Ringmaster skills GT (Geburah Tiphreth) and haste.. They both increase your aspd with 25% so total 50% more. It’s possible for even vagrant to max aspd with full RM buffs and by adding bit over 18 dex (level 10). But before level 90, it’s very unlikely you will get permanently RM to buff you with GT. So getting higher base Attack Speed might be a good idea ^^

Anyways, not much more to tell about attack speed but..

Here’s a calculator to check aspd:

It will give you a number between 0 and 2. You will get your attack speed by divining it by 2. This aspd is based on your dex, so if you have set bonuses, or item bonuses to increase aspd, you add them to the speed you get here. Basically in FlyFF there isn’t percent calculating 70% + 20% = 90% xD

Higher level doesn’t effect your Attack Speed.

3. Attack Damage / Crit Ratio

Remember - Attack Damage/Crit effects most out of all attributes on your MAX damage

These 2 go in same ‘category’ since they both increase each others. But basically if you don’t hit high enought, the Crit won’t help anymore.. So it’s good to have balance in everything. Only class that can max Crit easily in FlyFF is Jesters, since they get 4x more crit per every 10 dex than others.

Crit breaks on Jesters: 4% crit per every 10 dex

Crit breaks on everyone else: 1% per every 10 dex

(simple, huh?)

Anyways, once you have optimalized good Hit Ratio, and attack speed.. That’s when Attack Damage comes in, since now your attacks won’t have the penalty of ‘miss’ which is always 0 damage, no matter how much you have str. But when you don’t miss, you can just upgrade your damage. Since now it effects more on your total damage that you deal.

Not much to tell about Attack damage / Crit,

but here’s a Calculator for it too :

Lv = Your level

Str = Your Str,

Vit = Your Sta

Dex = Your Dex

Int = Your Int

Weapon = Well duh xP

Min = The smaller number of your ‘clear’ weapon on [ XX ~ xx ]

Max= The bigger number of you ‘clear’ weapon on [ xx ~ XX ]

Refine = How much ‘+’ your weapon has

AdjAtk = Attack modifiers

This calculator is good when you try to compare between 2 weapons and want to see the difference between them. (It counts for example difference between Swords and Axes compared to Str)

Higher level increases your attack power, but doesn’t effect Crit Ratio.


Reason for this order is simple:

1. Hit Ratio - It effects on everything below it. (Miss = 0 damage)

2. Attack Speed - Increases your total damage most.

3. Attack Power/Crit - Increases damage you deal per one hit.


Most of the sets and weapons also increase your attributes:

Sets to increase your Attributes

Unique weapons to increase your Attributes

Rare weapons to increase your Attributes

(less base damage than Uniques)

That’s all folks, hope you enjoyed!