Sunday, December 28, 2008

Flyff Leveling Guide for Assists

You know, sometimes leveling on Fly for Fun can be a real pain, especially if you are an assist. Once I got to level 30 I thought, “wow this is tough… I’m never going to be a Ringmaster… this is just pointless…” BUT THEN!!! I was introduced to the wonderful system of fsing (fsing means full support). You hardly have to do anything at all. It’s so awesome. All that happens is buff, heal and get levels. The most levels I’ve gotten in a day were 10. It was so crazy.

I’ll show you how it works. First, you buff them.


Then, heal them.


And they fight. It’s as simple as that. However, when you are fsing I suggest that you only fs people that are about 17-19 levels higher for the maximum amount of experience. Also I suggest that you do this at level 35-40. By then, people will be looking for people to fs them. And one last thing, BE IN A CONTRIBUTION PARTY! I don’t really know why that was in caps because it’s not extremely important, all that happens is you get some bonus experience. A few words of advice though, keep in mind sometimes you might have to spam the heal button so they don’t die… if they die, you die >_< another thing, tell them when you are going to buff them so that while you are buffing them, they don’t die. I can’t tell you how many times that happened to me. So anyways, I hope this guide was helpful and for people that are other classes, ill be making other guides soon.

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